Shelter Commissioner Engagement

The brief:

Shelter wanted to increase awareness and understanding of its services and to extend the footprint of its regional hubs through proactive engagement:

  • To build a wider network of commissioners (beyond those with whom Shelter has a contract or existing relationship, or those involved in a tender or bid) and to increase the seven hubs’ current footprint.
  • To reposition Shelter with commissioners as a collaborative and doing organisation that can help commissioners to do their job well.
  • To increase awareness and understanding of Shelter’s services, especially in health markets.

Our approach

We started out by consulting with teams within the regional hubs to get to the specific barriers that were in the way of achieving the objectives. This provided us with a rich understanding of the status quo against which to undertake qualitative research with the market: Local Authority and CCG Commissioners. The insight gathering enabled us both to identify the specific people and roles to be targeted in the market engagement initiative, but also to demonstrate an understanding of the markets’ challenges and how they could be addressed within the Shelter offer.


This led us into the development of engagement toolkits for the organisation to use at both national and local level, tailored to topic and geography.

Furthermore, as part of a blended client agency team, we designed and delivered key campaign content across themes such as ‘Mental Health March’ to ensure that everything was aligned and scoped / knowledge transferred in readiness for the arrival of a new marketing team lead.


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